Stephen Schaitberger
Seasonal Assisting Priest
In 1980 Stephen became the rector of St. Paul’s Church in Brainerd. He served in the same area where Enmegahbowh began his ministry as an Episcopalian. He was responsible for reprinting “Enmegahbowh’s Story,” which now has undergone three reprints with some additions. He also authored a resolution to the Episcopal Diocesan Convention asking the National Church Convention to consider Enmegahbowh as a “saint” of the church. Since 1986, Stephen has served over 20 years as a Chaplain in the Minnesota National Guard. He also served on the Diocesan staff for 10 years as a Canon Missioner for Northern Minnesota. For the past 40 years he has been a professed member of the Third Order of the Society of St. Francis. He has two adult children and an adult foster son. He is now retired and living with his wife Sharli in Minnesota and Arizona.