Our Mission:
To restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ.
Our Vision:
Inviting relationship. Connecting in Hope. Growing in Faith. Serving in Love.
We envision a church in which relationship, faith, hope, and love form who we are as followers of Jesus Christ.
At Church of the Epiphany, we share the Good News of Jesus Christ by inviting relationship, connecting in hope, growing in faith, and serving in love.

Inviting Relationship
Invitation is the starting point of any relationship and is the foundation upon which relationships grow and transform us. At Church of the Epiphany, we invite relationship and commit ourselves to the work of becoming beloved community in which the broad diversity of humanity is celebrated.
Some of the ways you can invite relationship include:
Join a Sunday Lay Worship Ministry like being a reader, acolyte, Eucharistic minister, or greeter
Join the Courageous Ground TaskForce
Join the Stewardship Ministry of the parish
Join the Saturday Morning Buildings & Grounds Crew
Join the Invite-Welcome-Connect Ministry team
Host a small group ministry

Connecting in Hope
The ways we connect one to another often begin when we break bread together around Christ’s table, share a story, and practice loving our neighbor as an extension of the self. Church of the Epiphany connects in the hope that saves us and is expressed through the power of the Spirit in sighs too deep for words.
You’re invited to connect in hope by:
Joining or starting a Small Group Ministry
Join a Sunday Morning Coffee Hour Team
Join a pastoral care ministry like CareConnect or Community of Hope
Get trained as a Lay Eucharistic Visitor to take Holy Eucharist to the homebound and sick
Help grow a new community garden at Epiphany

Growing in Faith
Over time, we begin to ask new questions of our faith, and we begin to yearn for a new way of thinking about our faith in Jesus Christ. We desire to be a place in which we grow in faith according to where we are in our faith lives - from the newest of followers to lifelong disciples of Jesus.
Opportunities to grow in faith and to invite others to grow in faith include:
Joining any of our Sunday formation classes
Volunteer as a Sunday school teacher or as a youth mentor
Join Epiphany Youth for serious fun and fun discussions
Join the Wednesday Discipleship Group
Start or join a Bible study
Join or start a small group ministry
Participate in seasonal formation programs at Advent (4 weeks before Christmas) and Lent (40 days between Ash Wednesday and Palm Sunday)
Go on a pilgrimage trip

Serving in Love.
We leave our places of worship with a hunger to see God’s love at work in the world. We share God’s love by going back to where we started: relationship. Through relationships with others in our community, we serve in love and celebrate the boundless love of God.
You can serve in love by:
Participate in the Serve Council
Joining the Valley Interfaith Project Core Team
Joining the Thew Elementary ministry team