Sunday Morning Hospitality Team


Every Sunday, we gather as a community to worship God, and once worship is concluded we look forward to the 8th sacrament of the church: coffee and donuts.

At Church of the Epiphany, we need your help to make coffee hour a success!

You can help us by joining a Sunday Morning Hospitality Team! Each team will be made up of 4 people and will serve once every 8 weeks or about 6 times a year. To volunteer for a team, simply complete the form below. The hospitality teams will begin on the first Sunday of February and will help us to have a better hospitality ministry each week we gather as a community!

Use Wufoo templates to make your own HTML forms.

We need 8 teams of 4 people each to help with coffee hour set up and clean up before and after our services. In particular, we need people to help with the following things:

  • Make coffee between the 8:00am and 10:00am service
  • Set out donuts, napkins, and donation jar
  • Fill pitchers with ice and water and set next to coffee
  • Put out coffee cups, refill sweeteners and cream
  • Clean the coffee pots, water pitchers, and put them away to dry
  • Clean up the donut boxes, unused napkins, and coffee condiments
  • Collect donations, place in the provided envelope, and drop in the office mail box outside the Farmhouse


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