Adult Formation focuses on providing opportunities for the continuous growth in our faith lives. Throughout the year, weekly classes, study groups, and quiet days are offered to our congregation and the community, giving adults the chance to deepen their experience of God's love.
Wednesday Study Group
Each week, a group gathers in the education building and via Zoom to study scripture and theology following the worship service at 10:00am. All are invited to join the group for coffee, cake, and conversation about faith. Join us in person or register by clicking here for the Zoom link!
Sunday Formation
Following Choral Worship on Sunday morning, we gather to go deeper in our study of Scripture and in the ways that we practice our faith in the week to come. The adult formation class is held in the Farmhouse starting at 11:45am on most Sundays. For specific dates, please check our calendar page to see when adult formation is meeting.
Seasonal Discipleship Programs
At different times of the year, Church of the Epiphany hosts discipleship groups on Wednesday evenings. In Advent and Lent, we invite the congregation and the community to join us as we explore our faith through conversation and small group discussions. Please check our calendar of events for dates and times of Wednesday evening formation opportunities throughout the year.