2022 Annual Meeting Resources
Financial Statement
2022 Mission Plan
Full Annual Report
Vestry Candidates
3 year term
Linda Spencer-Walters
I am Linda Spencer-Walters and my family has been a part of Church of the Epiphany since 2000, with me serving in different ministries over the years. I was born and raised an Anglican and so, it runs in my blood. Serving as a member of the Vestry is a true calling of God putting me in the right path to glorify His name.
Jan Wagner
I’ve been a member of Epiphany since approximately 2000. Over the years, I’ve been an usher, assisted with the annual Beer-Tasting event, and previously served on the vestry. More recently, I've served on the Search Committee and the Stewardship Committee. I’m a cradle Episcopalian and an Arizona native. I worked as an attorney for the Arizona Corporation Commission for twenty-seven years before retiring in 2017.
Cece Wilhite
My history at Epiphany has covered several generations. We came to Epiphany in 1978. Through the years, I’ve experienced many life changing events. Each event brought me closer to my Epiphany family. It is not easy for me to share my “gifts” and “talents”. I’m so grateful to have been involved with ECW projects, Holly & Ivy boutique, Discipleship groups Wednesdays & during Advent and Lent, sharing a meal during potluck events, Coffee hour, Christmas cookie exchanges and serving in Lay ministries. As a seasoned member of Epiphany, I appreciate the opportunity to serve as a Vestry member. With the amazing leadership of Fr Hunter, we have grown and shared “the Good News of Jesus Christ by inviting relationships, connecting in hope, growing in faith and serving in love”.
Junior Warden
1 year term
Steve Geislinger
Steve and his wife Alison were first drawn to Epiphany by the Saturday evening services, and later came to appreciate the community and fellowship offered by the parish throughout the week. Steve has been actively involved in several aspects of parish life, most noteably enjoying participating as a member of the choir until the onset of the epidemic. Over the years and in a variety of church communities, Steve has also served as acolyte, LEM, delegate, usher and various other roles, and is a graduate of EfM. Outside of church, Steve is trained and has worked both as an engineer and teacher. He has worked as a senior project engineer and lead engineer, and has taught all levels of statistics, math, and science through the high school level. He currently teaches engineering and related disciplines including robotics at Chaparral High School in Scottsdale. Steve is happy to be able to bring his enthusiasm and passion for the Epiphany community to bear in serving as junior warden. In this role, his experience in project management and planning as well as knowledge of physical plant and maintenance will help him to support and utilize our facilities to their fullest.
Diocesan Delegates
1 year term
Cassandra Swick
Cassandra has worshipped at Epiphany for fifteen years and has served as the Church School/youth group director and as a lay preacher. She has participated in a number of ministries over the years, including Paz de Cristo, being a lay Eucharistic visitor, and helping out with various things during the liturgy. She loves Diocesan Convention because it lets her see what other Episcopalians are doing throughout the state.
Carmen Valenzuela
I’d be honored to represent Epiphany at the Diocesan Convention. It is a great way to see what other parishes are doing and whether the ideas, new programs, etc., might be beneficial for our community. As a delegate, we are to study any items put forward for the business meeting of the convention, including many items that potentially affect our local parish life and thus deserve intentional consideration. We are to do the work of the church and remain open to the Spirit’s influence. As a delegate, I would bring a deep understanding of who Epiphany is and what is in keeping with our values as a faith community within the broader Episcopal context.
Linda Spencer-Walters
I am Linda Spencer-Walters and my family has been a part of Church of the Epiphany since 2000, with me serving in different ministries over the years. I was born and raised an Anglican and so, it runs in my blood. Serving as a delegate for the Diocesan Convention is a true calling of God putting me in the right path to glorify His name.
Stanlie James
I have been an Episcopalian ever since I can remember--I grew up in Des Moines, IA where I attended what has since been renamed the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. Before coming to Epiphany I lived in Madison, WI and attended St Dunstan's Episcopal Church where I served on the vestry, was Jr. Warden and chair of the Search Committee. I regularly attended the conventions in the Diocese of Milwaukee and served on the Standing Committee as well as a number of other diocesan committees. I came to Epiphany in 2006 when I moved to Az. and have been involved in our church in several different ways--as a member of the vestry for five years, and as a lector. As a delegate, I believe I bring a thoughtful, prayerful presence and a commitment to collaboration in the business of our annual convention.
Valri Bauer
Epiphany is the church family that welcomed my family when we arrived in Arizona over 20 years ago. We have been active in many aspects of parish life over the years. Representing the congregation of the Church of the Epiphany as a delegate to the Arizona diocesan convention is both an honor and a great responsibility. As a delegate, I would communicate the views of parish in the governing decisions that will impact our churches as we move forward. I enjoy reading and studying the various proposed changes and discussing them ahead of time with my fellow congregants. I look forward to being a voice for Epiphany.